Pastor: Scott Naevestad
Scott is a graduate of Nyack College (NY) and the Alliance Theological Seminary. From 1980-1982 Scott served as a missionary in Kenya, working as the school caterer at Rift Valley Academy. After returning home he became reacquainted with and eventually married his wife Sue in 1984. They have 2 sons, Kyle and Todd. Scott served 8 years in Connecticut before moving to Green Bay, WI in 1992. He was officially ordained to ministry in 1993 and continued to serve In Green Bay for 19 years as Youth Pastor, Pastor of Family Life and Discipleship, and Senior Pastor. Scott became the Senior Pastor of St. Paul Church in 2011. Scott also serves as an on-call chaplain for the Monroe Clinic Hospital, continuing his mission of ministry beyond church doors.
Youth Ministry Director: TBD
Children's Ministry Director: TBD

Secretary: Karen Vollmar
Karen became a member of St. Paul Church in 2016. She, and her husband, Wayne have been married since 1976, and are the parents of a daughter Jennifer and twin sons Brett and Shawn. They have one grandson. Lake Summerset has been their home for 15 years. When the church was looking for a new secretary, Karen was compelled to serve, and it gave her the opportunity to fill time while Wayne is on lake pursuing one of he favorite pastimes, fishing. It also gave her the opportunity to learn new technology in ways she has never imagined!